Due to recent updates in international shipping policies, Pusheen Shop is unable to ship orders valued under 135 GBP to the United Kingdom.
We are able to ship orders to most regions that USPS or FedEx offers service to. Pusheen Shop also also allows for orders to be shipped to PO boxes and military addresses.
Pusheen Shop does not offer some shipping methods for the following countries:
- Argentina
- China
- Croatia
- Hong Kong
- Malaysia
- Philippines
- Russia
- Singapore
- Taiwan
- Thailand
If you plan on having your order shipped to a hotel, we highly recommend contacting the staff at the hotel you're staying at to inquire about their policies regarding package deliveries. Please keep in mind that all delivery rates provided by Pusheen Shop and the shipping service are estimates only, and cannot be guaranteed within the time frame of your hotel stay. It is the responsibility of the customer to provide the appropriate information to the hotel.
If you choose to have your items sent to a third party international forwarding service, we cannot guarantee their services or deliveries. It is the responsibility of the customer to provide the appropriate information to the forwarding service. We work primarily with FedEx and cannot provide any assistance regarding the forwarding service.
Pusheen Shop is not responsible for any packages that are lost or returned to sender when using a third party forwarding service.