We are unable to guarantee that any order placed during the holiday season will arrive in time for Christmas or any other specific delivery dates. We strongly recommend placing your orders before the following dates listed below as recommended by our available shipping services to ensure the best chances of your order arriving before December 25th:
Domestic Shipping Addresses
Saver Shipping:
December 11th
Standard Shipping:
December 12th
Express Shipping:
December 18th
International Shipping Addresses
International First Class (Canada Only):
November 26th
FedEx International:
December 9th
For more information regarding our delivery estimates, please find more information on this page. Please be aware that any delivery times are estimates and are not a guarantee of when your package will arrive. During the holidays, delivery times may increase or experience delays during shipping.
Digital Gift Cards are also available year round from Pusheen Shop and are delivered to your email inbox immediately!